Saturday, September 12, 2009

Symfony recognizes four main http methods

Well, it turns out that Symfony gets loaded in all the methods except HEAD, as expected.

I tried:

Symfony reported the method correctly in the ones that really matter, the first 4 above. In Options, it displayed GET as the method. In HEAD, it was never invoked, which agrees with the HTTP specification, so that's a good thing.

Well, that DOESN'T change the fact that PHP won't parse the body for DELETE or PUT requests and so there is no pretty access to the body. I'd have to come up with my own MIME/POST processor. Not going there :-(

So, I will use the POST for all PUTS, and probably most multiple DELETES. As I had originally talked about in a previous blog.

However, in Symfony, I need to deal with the crsf variable in the body of the request, and NO direct GET variables in the URL. Mr. Ponticier (creator of Symfony) has added an optional,standard POST/body-of-the-request variable for 'method'. I may or may not use that. Investigating now.

PS., one other thing that I would have to deal with is Symfony's labeling of variables, they already use the brackets for their use of an array of values for columns of a table.

And I tested once, PHP doesn't accept multiple sets of brackets for arrays of arrays in the names of POST variables.

One step back

Well, I had the code for doing a REST-POST(single or arrayed) as I have previously described completely done. Then I learned what SVN and backups should be good for :-(

I found out a way to switch two files, do my normal neurotic 1 save/min, and end up with only one of two files that I had written. Since I had been working on it 4-6 hours a day, in addition to my full time job, I was exhausted and despondent after doing it.

So, I stepped back, relaxed, and decided to skip the temporary functional style design and go straight to Symfony. I am reading all I can on REST a la Symfony. I don't totally agree with what I've seen, and especially, from the founder of Symfony. However, he is much better at using his framework than I am ;-) So I will keep an open mind as I try to do it, 'my way'. (see previous posts on this blog)

I am just about to see start a micro project to test two things:
1/ How to use the crsf token that Symfony generates in a REST environment.
2/ If the sfWebRequest object contains the Method used to access the script, and see if I can actually at least use single JSON DELETE/POST.

Someday, I am going to pay someone to hack PHP and allow the $_POST variables to be filled during POST/DELETE/PUT/GET methods.